The CSC Buying Group UK and our parent charity The Christian Residential Network UK (CRNet) will be exhibiting at CRE. Please come along and see us and find out how we can help your organisation.
Over recent years, CRE have returned hundreds of pounds to exhibitors who helped bring visitors to CRE. Previously The Open Bible Trust were top of the tree, earning £132 for bringing 103 people through the door at Sandown Park.
It’s all part of our simple Pound a Person initiative where CRE reward exhibitors for bringing their contacts to the exhibition.
The CRE partnership with exhibitors has always been important, so please don't underestimate the impact your support can have. If every exhibitor had just 20 of their customers/supporters to attend CRE, there would be an incredible turnout which would benefit everybody.
Purchasing a free ticket from via CRNet and the CSC Buying Group and attending CRE would benefit us enourmously as it could help CRNet and CSCBG offset investment in a stand at CRE!
Tickets are free simply click on the image above for full details. Thank You.